Client: UK Land Estates
Location: Unit 2 Teesside Industrial Estate
Value:£1.4 Million
Design & Build Contractor which utilised the existing steel frame of the former Cordell factory.
The existing steel frame was then extensively modified to take a structural roofing deck, complete with barrel vaulted rooflights and associated trimming steel. Wall elevations are clad with a mixture of twin skim and composite cladding systems, along with a large architecturally designed section of curtain walling to the main reception area.
Internally, the unit compromises of an open plan ground floor and first floor office areas and other auxiliary spaces. The warehouse area was fitted out with an extensive M&E fit out ready for the incoming tenant. External finishes to units included, external concrete service yard, car park facilities to the front elevation complete with EV charging points and associated soft landscaping.
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